The challenge of creative work is in the doing. It’s not finding the ideas, or selecting the best-possible photo/paragraph/project to display, or knowing the best way to share it. It’s not even knowing the technical tools to make it happen. You can master Photoshop or your new Canon 5D or that fancy Scrivener writing program or the new-to-you WordPress web platform — no problem. It’s not any of those details.
The true challenge is sitting down to make it happen.
It’s putting your fingers on the keyboard, clicking the shutter, creating the first mockup, pressing publish. The endless excuses are full of needs: for the right resources, enough funding, or time in the day. My personal favorite is the urgent need for more brainstorming. Oh, there is always the need for more brainstorms!
But it’s amazing what happens when we just start. Do it now. Get going already. Things fall into place: the resources come, a good-enough solution arrives, time expands. (Brilliantly, even brainstorming happens while we’re doing!)
So let’s meet the challenge. Push it forward. Click continue. Ship it out.
I’m challenging myself with this today — and I’m pressing publish to prove it.
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I’d love to hear about what’s challenging you. What “needs” are stopping you from doing? How can you let go and make it happen? Say hello, or leave a comment below…