Why I choose WordPress, again and again


WordPress.org is my go-to platform for all client projects.

I’ve been using it for years now, and although I’ve toyed with the idea of other platforms (like Squarespace and Joomla), I always come back to my deep love of WP.

When I first started my  work as a web designer, back in 2009, WordPress was the linchpin in my decision to make the jump to work for myself.

At that point, I had designed and developed in Dreamweaver with HTML – and I had  experience using Joomla in team collaborations – but it felt clunky and I didn’t love the user interface. I didn’t trust the technology. So what happened next?

Then I found WordPress – which gave me a foundation and flexibility.

When I began using WordPress professionally in 2009, I started out trying various free and basic themes, learning my way around the platform. Then I upgraded to the Headway Theme framework, which was a gateway to progressing my website design. Finally, I found my favorite WP theme framework, and I have been committed to designing and developing within that framework ever since.

WordPress wins out for a 4 key reasons…

  • Flexible design. An ever-growing variety of theme frameworks and plugins allow for the expanding nature of website design.
  • User-friendly for clients. As small business owners, my clients need to be able to know and love using the backend of their websites. WordPress offers a user-friendly interface that makes it easy and enjoyable to keep your website updated.
  • Active developer community. Don’t recreate the wheel! I rely on the active community of developers to evolve the technology that I use for my work.
  • Easy upgrades. As long as you’re using a professional theme template and some know-how, then upgrading with WordPress is nearly foolproof. As website security is ever changing, being able to upgrade with ease is important.

Curious? Check out WordPress.org to start learning more. In future posts, I’ll share more about how I use WordPress and what other applications support my website design work!


What about you? Do you use WordPress – why or why not? I’d love to hear from you! Comment below or email lillie [at] thebrightstudio [dot] com.

One Response to Why I choose WordPress, again and again

  1. Lanny February 26, 2014 at 1:14 pm #

    I’m a big fan of WordPress. It’s so great to be able to make changes to my own Bright Studio-designed website. And, it’s great that I can add/change copy on my clients’ websites when needed. I always advise new clients to use WordPress.

Forever loving the white space.

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