Take it from experience… Creating backups of your WordPress website is absolutely essential.
Just last week, a client reported that his website had been hacked… just a week after we had completed the website’s redesign! The hosting service had an archived backup from 2 weeks earlier. But it was missing the key updates that we had made.
So what did we do?
Luckily, I use a plugin, called BackupBuddy, to save a backup at the completion of each client project.
I save archives of my client’s backup for about 6 months, so I can always refer back to them if needed. In this case, I was able to retrieve the client’s entire website from my backup. I brought the lost website completely back to life.
Crisis averted!
There are 3 key times that I create backups…
- Backup manually before upgrading. Always save a backup before upgrading Wordpress or the theme framework, or any major plugins. You never know when something may break!
- Backup manually at intervals during a website redesign. In addition to backing up at the end of each project, I often save backups from the start and middle points of the project. It’s helpful to have the files available.
- Backup automatically each week and month. For clients, I setup automated functions to backup the database each week and the full website each month. This schedule can be customized to fit different needs.
I use the premium BackupBuddy plugin for all of these functions.
The price is well worth the peace of mind. Try it out, and let me know what you think!
What about you? Do you have a crisis story about a website that desperately needed a backup? Have you used the BackupBuddy plugin? I know it’s such a simple and huge benefit for my clients!
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